I've already posted 24 watercolor paintings. Next posting will be quarter of the Goal. 24 down, 76 paintings to go. The original intent of this project is to post one painting a day. Since, my schedule and circumstance will not permit, I will just post a corresponding painting for each day. The original purpose of the project is to serve as creative outlet during my free periods. Anyway, the result would still be a collection of 100 paintings by January 01, 2010.
On a personal note, there are so many positive developments. Hubby and I just transferred to our new home. :) Aside from this, I will be enrolling in a design school next year (january). This will be an enrichment class in interior design. This will complement my architectural skills. I also am preparing for another design project. Hopefully, the client and I reach a favorable arrangement for the project. I am keeping my fingers crossed before the years ends... :)