Thursday, July 16, 2009



This is my first blog post. The image is also my first watercolor attempt after 10 (or more) years. As I was thinking of hobby to while my time away, watercolor painting came to mind. It is still leaning on the creative side, minus the technicalities of architecture. I've dabbled in acrylic painting last year. After the 7 month break from acrylic painting, I will put my "talent" to a test. To produce soft yet vivid images will be the ultimate goal. I do hope I achieved that one in this painting. Though acrylic and watercolor employs the same application technique, one has to be very careful with watercolor. With acrylic, you could correct your errors with a new coat of color. With watercolor, proper color layering is a must.
EMOVERE is the Latin word that means - "to move greatly" or "to take away". In English, it translate to EMOTIONS. I will be posting images and scenes both seen and dreamed by me!
This creation can also be seen on my etsy shop - See you there!

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